July 21, 2011 05:33 by
This post requires to create a Silverlight Business Application in Visual Studio 2010.
1. Open the Mainpage.xaml , Add the following XAML code to see the Save changes and Reject changes button
1: <Button Content="Save Changes" Click="SaveButton_Click"
2: x:Name="SaveButton"></Button>
3: <Button Content="Reject Changes" Click="RejectButton_Click"
4: x:Name="RejectButton"></Button>
5: <TextBlock x:Name="ChangeText" VerticalAlignment="Center"
2. Add the code for button click event handlers as shown below
1: private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
2: {
3: awDept.SubmitChanges(OnSubmitCompleted, null);
4: }
6: private void RejectButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
7: {
8: awDept.RejectChanges();
9: CheckChanges();
10: }
11: private void CheckChanges()
12: {
13: EntityChangeSet changeSet = awDept.EntityContainer.GetChanges();
14: ChangeText.Text = changeSet.ToString();
15: bool hasChanges = awDept.HasChanges;
16: SaveButton.IsEnabled = hasChanges;
17: RejectButton.IsEnabled = hasChanges;
18: }
20: private void OnSubmitCompleted(SubmitOperation so)
21: {
22: if (so.HasError)
23: {
24: MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Submit Failed: {0}", so.Error.Message));
25: so.MarkErrorAsHandled();
26: }
27: CheckChanges();
28: }
29: private void departmentDataGrid_RowEditEnded(object sender,
DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs e)
30: {
31: CheckChanges();
32: }
3. Open the Metadata file in server project and add the editable attribute to the Id and modified date as shown below
1: internal sealed class DepartmentMetadata
2: {
4: // Metadata classes are not meant to be instantiated.
5: private DepartmentMetadata()
6: {
7: }
9: [Editable(false)]
10: public short DepartmentID { get; set; }
12: public string GroupName { get; set; }
13: [Editable(false)]
14: public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
16: public string Name { get; set; }
17: }
4. When you run the application you should be able to see the below screen

July 12, 2011 06:58 by
This post discusses how to develop Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service using AJAX and without any configuration settings for WCF. This service can be consumed from Javascript. The service uses a special setting in .svc file which automatically enables an AJAX endpoint.
You can get the AJAX support for WCF through the ScriptManager control.
1. Create a WCF service project in VS 2010
The service contract code as follows
1: // Define a service contract.
2: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "ConfigFreeWCFAjaxService")]
3: public interface ICalculator
4: {
5: [OperationContract]
6: double Add(double n1, double n2);
7: }
Service Implementation code as follows
1: public class CalculatorService : ICalculator
2: {
3: public double Add(double n1, double n2)
4: {
5: return n1 + n2;
6: }
7: }
The SVC file setting as below
1: <%@ServiceHost
2: language="c#"
3: Debug="true"
4: Service="ConfigFreeWCFAjaxService.CalculatorService"
5: Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.
6: %>
WebScriptServiceHostFactory automatically add the WebScriptEndpoint to the service.
You need to add the following line in script manager control to call the service from javascript
1: <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager" runat="server">
2: <Services>
3: <asp:ServiceReference Path="service.svc" />
4: </Services>
5: </asp:ScriptManager>
Calling the service from javascript
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeAJAXCall()
var n1 = document.getElementById("num1").value;
var n2 = document.getElementById("num2").value;
// Instantiate a service proxy
var proxy = new ConfigFreeWCFAjaxService.ICalculator();
// Call correct operation on proxy
proxy.Add(parseFloat(n1), parseFloat(n2), onSuccess, onFail, null);
//This function is called when the result from the service call is received
function onSuccess(mathResult)
document.getElementById("result").value = mathResult;
The <system.ServiceModel> element can be completely removed from the web.config if you configure your service as shown in the above.